Tuesday, January 5, 2010

January 5, 2010

Quote of the day: "Never let anyone pull you so low as to hate them." (Not word for word) - Martin Luther King, Jr. 

When I told my friend "F" (for her protection) that I was going to write a memoir about high school -- or, technically, how much I hate the popular kids -- she just laughed. When I told my father, he told me, "Bri, I don't know why you let them get to you so much. They're rude and think they're better than everyone... so what. You can't change that. Just let it go." 

I have been hearing that phrase a lot lately. "Just let it go." What does that phrase even mean? To me, it means realizing that something is out of your control and being okay with it. Or, deciding that something isn't worth the pain and deciding to accept what has happened/happening/is going to happen. Either way, it's about accepting things the way they are or are going to be. Life won't always be perfect, so we have to make the best of the hand that we're dealt. 

I really do believe that everything happens for a reason. At least, that makes me sleep better at night. When my dog died -- the day before my 14th birthday, and I had spend my birthday getting her cremated -- I couldn't understand why. But I understand now that if my dog hadn't of died, I wouldn't have gotten the dog I have now, and the dog I have now would probably have died in the pound. I don't exactly believe that my dog died for a reason, but if she hadn't died, things in the future wouldn't have happened. I believe simply this: "The things that happen now happen so that things can happen later." (Okay, I said "happen" like four times, but that's the only way to get it across!) When I watched "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button", one of the characters said, "We are meant to lose the people we love, because otherwise how would we know just how important they really are?" And I believe that, word for word. 

In the past year, there have been a lot of deaths. Heath Ledger, Michael Jackson, Farah Fawcett, DJ AM, Brittany Murphy... to name a few. And I think their deaths has taught me to appreciate everything while I am alive. My life sucks sometimes -- even bad enough to want to end it, sometimes -- but I just have to take a deep breath and get a big hug from my daddy, and everything is fine. So, for all my blog readers, remember this: As hard as life is, it could always get worse, so appreciate it now!!! 

Much Love, 


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