Tuesday, December 8, 2009

December 9, 2009

Quote of the day: "Live the life you want to live. Be the person you want to remember. Make decisions, make mistakes. If you fall, at least you tried." 

Yay, for snow! There are inches and inches of snow. I was just discussing with my friends the terms the weather has to meet in order for there to be a snow day. The person in charge of cancelling school is from Alaska!!! We're never going to have another snow day ever again. Needless to say, many people skipped school today. Nearly 5 people in my first hour are missing! They say if parents call and complain, they might give us the day off. I am frightened to go outside. It is blizzarding!

With all this snow, boy am I in the Christmas spirit! Although three quarters of my family are convinced we're not celebrating Christmas this year, I believe we should! Even without gifts, Christmas is still something that should be celebrated. I know it sounds cheesy, but it's the one time of year when we can spend time with our family and eat tons of food and just be merry! At this age, the last thing any teenager wants to do is spend more than the necessary hour and a half they might have to spend in the presence with their family each day. Some kids only see their parents for an hour and a half each week! That's crazy! I spend several hours every day with my parents and I must say, I quite enjoy it! My parents are good people, and just because I'm an "all-knowing" teenager doesn't mean I can't appreciate them! 

So, here's some advice for fellow young bloggers out there: enjoy your family while they're here. You don't know how long you've got. It may not be cool to bond with your parents, but you're more like them than you think. 

For now, 


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